
Gazebo harmonic universe and monaco editor


Getting started with gazebo harmonic

To install gazebo, follow the steps on the official gazebo website: gazebo doc.

In my case it didn’t give me many problems, but I started to have storage problems caused by a bad docker management and I thought it was gazebo’s fault, this took a lot of my time.

Modifying gazebo universe

Initially I researched the most significant changes to upgrade a gazebo world to gazebo harmonic. But there were several problems, I couldn’t find a universe that suited what I was looking for and also, the universe I could use from the ‘vacuum cleaner’ exercise was too repetitive. For this reason I was looking directly for a public gazebo harmonic world.

harmonic world


The main changes I made were some initial configurations in order to launch the universe and after a bit of testing, simplified the scenario.

Update to Monaco editor

The benefits of using Monaco over Ace:

  • More up to date packages
  • Supported by Microsoft
  • Used in well known IDE such as VS Code
  • Support for multi-cursor
  • Integrated command palette
  • MIT license

First I started by installing the necessary libraries and setting up the simplest possible editor, then I added improvements. A small autocomplete for already declared sentences and even the use of help snippets for sentences like for, while…

To have an intelligent autocompletion that understands imported libraries requires the use of pyright.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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