Welcome to my internship work blog!

In this blog, I'll be posting about my experience as an intern at JdeRobot.

Week 4 (May 13th - May 17th)

First, during this fourth week of internship, I have finished the D1 deployment of Unibotics locally, after several attempts and issues.

Unibotics D1 deployment - Exercise page

During this process, I have found several errors and problems that I have been noting down and reviewing. I have informed of some of these issues through Slack in order to report them and find out if they might be global errors. Specifically, I have reported about the problem of the command and RADI version used in the D1 documentation to deploy it, as well as about the problem of page overlapping found in the Django admin panel.

Admin panel error with model Exercises

Also, at the same time as I was doing the D1 deployment, I have been reviewing the source code of unibotics-webserver to learn about its functioning. I’ve learned what Celery is, its tasks, and what it’s used for.

At the end of the D1 deployment, I tried to perform the deployment of the tutor, but although it is included in the D1 documentation, the necessary files are not yet available to deploy it as such.

On the other hand, I had a meeting with my co-worker Carlos, because, after finishing the D1 deployment, I should start helping him with submodules. At this meeting, Carlos informed me about the issue in which he is working on, as well as what aspects I should review to help him. So, this week I will do more in-depth research on webpack and submodules.

On this matter, I also had a problem trying to pull the branch corresponding to the submodules issue. I created an SSH key to be able to work with GitHub, but this was not the main problem. We thought that the pull problem could be from the use of submodules. Because of this, I’ve been researching about it in order to find out why it’s happening and be able to pull the branch locally.

Lastly, and following the errors found during the D1 deployment, this week I also saw a video to learn how to use GitHub Issues. Thanks to this, I have opened an issue to report the Django Admin panel error found, as well as an issue to correct several typos and errors found in the D1 deployment documentation. Although I have already corrected several of these typos, I still have to verify certain errors and apply improvements related to this issue next week in order to finish it.

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