Posts by Year


Week 18 Overview

1 minute read

During this eighteenth week, I completed my final tasks related to the RADI engine of the Unibotics platform within JdeRobot.

Resumen Semana 18

1 minute read

En esta decimoctava semana, realicé las últimas tareas dentro de JdeRobot relacionado con el motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 17 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this seventeenth week, I continued testing the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform and started other assigned tasks.

Resumen Semana 17

less than 1 minute read

En esta decimoséptima semana, continué con las pruebas del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics y empecé otras tareas encomendadas.

Week 16 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this sixteenth week, I continued testing the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 16

less than 1 minute read

En esta decimosexta semana, continué con las pruebas del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 15 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this fifteenth week, I started working on other assigned tasks within the RADI engine of the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 15

1 minute read

En esta decimoquinta semana, empecé otras tareas encomendadas dentro del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 14 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this fourteenth week, I continued testing the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 14

1 minute read

En esta decimocuarta semana, continué con las pruebas del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 13 Overview

1 minute read

During this thirteenth week, I continued testing the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform and resolved a significant issue within it.

Resumen Semana 13

1 minute read

En esta decimotercera semana, continué con las pruebas del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics y resolví un problema grande dentro del mismo.

Week 12 Overview

1 minute read

During this twelfth week, I continued testing the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 12

1 minute read

En esta duodécima semana, continué con las pruebas del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 11 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this eleventh week, I continued testing the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 11

less than 1 minute read

En esta undécima semana, continué con las pruebas del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 10 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this tenth week, I continued with the testing of the RADI engine for the Unibotics platform that I began last week.

Resumen Semana 10

less than 1 minute read

En esta décima semana, continué con las pruebas que comencé la semana pasada del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 9 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this ninth week, I continued with the latest tasks assigned from last week regarding the RADI engine of the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 9

less than 1 minute read

En esta novena semana, continué con las últimas tareas asignadas de la semana pasada del motor RADI de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 8 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this eighth week, I started working on the new tasks assigned within the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 8

less than 1 minute read

En esta octava semana, empecé con las nuevas tareas asignadas dentro de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 7 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this seventh week, I continued investigating the issue with the platform’s engine, RADI 4, within the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 7

less than 1 minute read

En esta séptima semana, continué con la tarea de la investigación del problema con el motor de la plataforma, RADI 4, dentro de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 6 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this sixth week, I continued with the task I started last week within the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 6

less than 1 minute read

En esta sexta semana, continué con la tarea que comencé la semana pasada dentro de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 5 Overview

1 minute read

During this fifth week, I had my first assigned tasks within the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 5

1 minute read

En esta quinta semana, tuve mis primeras tareas asignadas dentro de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 4 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this fourth week, I have started learning how graph visualization works within the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 4

less than 1 minute read

En esta cuarta semana, he comenzado a aprender cómo funciona la visualización de gráficas dentro de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 3 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this third week, I have started learning how to develop within the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 3

less than 1 minute read

En esta tercera semana, he comenzado a aprender cómo poder desarrollar dentro de la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 2 Overview

less than 1 minute read

During this second week, I have continued to advance in familiarizing myself with the technologies used in the Unibotics platform.

Resumen Semana 2

less than 1 minute read

En esta segunda semana, he seguido avanzando en conocer las tecnologías que usa la plataforma Unibotics.

Week 1 Overview

less than 1 minute read

In this first week, I’ve taken my first steps into JdeRobot by getting to know my internship colleagues and familiarizing myself with the technologies used f...

Resumen Semana 1

less than 1 minute read

En esta primera semana, he dado mis primeros pasos dentro de JdeRobot conociendo a mis compañeros de prácticas y familiarizándome con las tecnologías que se ...

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