Task Progress

Week 4 (February 26th - March 1st)

In the fourth week, I began by investigating the location of database creation within the Unibotics repository. By tracing the repository's structure, I successfully identified the core components responsible for database creation, data insertion, and related processes.

Following this, I was assigned the role of administrator in Unibotics, granting me access to the analytics section. Here, I discovered a variety of graphs containing valuable data such as user operating systems and connection durations. These insights provided a comprehensive view of user behavior within the platform.
In parallel, I examined the source code of Dash within the repository folders to understand the process of graph creation and data integration.

Towards the end of the week, I focused on expanding my knowledge of transformers and their applications, as well as researching intelligent tutoring systems.
Despite encountering challenges in creating a question-answering model due to technical errors, I remained committed to learning and problem-solving.
