Task Progress

Week 6 (March 11th - March 15th)

In this sixth week, I began integrating concepts I had learned by reading articles or watching tutorial videos about AI like ChatGPT or about technologies like transformers or BERT, a type of Natural Language Processing, with the source code of the smart tutor, to see how it was really put into practice.

As the week progressed, I successfully completed the exercise that I couldn't do last week, which was to create a model, train it, and ask it questions to see how it responded. This time, when I asked a question, it responded with the corresponding tag and the answer to that question.

Furthermore, since I had already managed to complete the exercise, I created a smart tutor for the Follow_Line exercise, by creating a JSON file with 1000 lines of code, where a series of questions with a tag and an answer to those questions are established.
After creating the JSON, a new model was created and trained, which works perfectly.

Finally, to end the week, I updated the blog by adding week number 6.
