Task Progress
In this ninth week, I started by creating an issue on the Unibotics tutor's GitHub to document the changes I have been making over the weeks,
in order to add version 2.0 of the tutor to GitHub, which includes the REACT webpage with the Django server. After creating the issue,
I created my own branch to integrate all the changes there. Once the branch was done, I created a new directory named V2.0 to preserve the previous data.
Finally, I successfully made a Pull Request on GitHub.
Additionally, within this V2.0 directory, I added a README where I detailed everything I had done, explaining each step and its purpose.
Midweek, I started integrating this tutor I had created into the Unibotics D1 deployment.
I initially struggled as I encountered many issues, to the point where I had the Tutor button on the Follow Line exercise, which when clicked, opened a window to submit a question.
Although the question was saved and sent to the server, I couldn't get the response to display on screen.