Follow Line


The goal of this exercise is to perform a PID reactive control capable of following the line painted on the racing circuit.

Racing circuit First Person. Model.

Had to program a Formula1 car in a race circuit to follow the red line in the middle of the road. You can find all the information about this exercise in JdeRobot Academy


For the image processing i have used OpenCV. I have searched the center point of the red line at a certain height of the image to work with in in the controller. I have drawn a green line at the same height to see the movement of the point more clearly and a vertical line in the center of the image that determines the place where the point should be. To show the error in the image, I have painted a red line on the green.

Image proccesing. Image proccesing.
image processing


For the implementation of the control algorithm I have worked with an equation that regulates the angular and linear velocity according to the position in which the center point of the line is located, which I mentioned in the previous section. I have obtained this equation by assigning a certain speed to each point on the green line.

velocity equation


Youtube link

  • Lap time simulation: 48 seconds.
  • Lap time real: 48 seconds.