Week 6: 1 July 2019 - 7 July 2019


  • Add a dialog to display imported parameters
  • Add importer for the online library


  • Added importer for the online library. Pull Request
    • The following has been implemented in the importer
      1. It gets the Catalogue.xml file and displays the list of available behaviours
      2. When the user selects one it shows the description along with the snapshot at its side (which is blank right now as it hasn’t been decided what is going to be done about that)
      3. If the user clicks on import it imports the downloaded file into the tool.(I have made it in such a way that when the user selects the behaviour in the previous step it starts downloading the file. This may cause problems but right now it saves time between clicking the import button and the file getting imported into the tool.)
  • Added check to prevent duplicate inputs being added to the list. Issue
    • These checks were added in:
      • Libraries Dialog
      • Topics tab in ROS Config dialog
      • Packages tab in ROS Config dialog
      • Workspaces tab in ROS Config dialog
  • Added XML Validation. Issue
  • Added dialog to display imported parameters. Pull Request
    • The dialog displays the states along with the parameters and its child states recursively.

Problems Faced

The main problem faced was that fetching the repos and files takes time and since the UI is frozen during that time it turns black as if the program isn’t responding.

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