VisualStates Tool

VisualStates is a tool for programming robot behaviors using automata. It combines a graphical language to specify the states and the transitions with a text language (Python or C++). Hierarchical Finite State Machines are used to program robot behaviors and each state is a reactive controller which can be active or not at a particular instant. It automatically generates a Robotics Operating System node as output, in C++ or Python, which connects to the configured drivers at runtime and implements the automata. This tool speeds up the development of robot applications, reducing the code that has to be manually created.

Development Status

 Phase 1: Parameterization of VisualStates May 27, 2019 - June 16, 2019
1.Add the feature to Visual States ToolDone 
2.Create example with parametersDone 
 Phase 2: Creating a library of automatas June 17, 2019 - July 21, 2019
1.Create the repository for online library  
2.Add feature to export to online libraryDone 
3.Add feature to import from online libraryDone 
4.Create examples for the library  

People Involved

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