Welcome to the progress reports for the GSoC-2019 project titled “Migration of drone excercises to ROS and Jupyter.” The reports are planned to be posted per week (atleast) so do come back every Tuesday for new material.
About the project
Title: Migration of drone excercises to ROS and Jupyter
Organization: JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Mentors: JoseMaría Cañas, Diego Martín
This GSoC project essentially replaces the existing infrastructure of seven available exercises on drone programming with ROS, PX4 in Gazebo and mavROS. The resultant exercises shall allow users the possibility of directly porting their code onto real drones running PX4 with mavROS. These exercises shall also be integrated into the Jupyter framework for running them from the web release of the Robotics Academy framework.
00 - Pre-GSoC work
The official coding period begins May 27th, but, for the time being, I have started going through the code and excercises at the Robotics-Academy and familiarizing myself with PX4 and mavROS.