

1. Introduction
2. People Involved
3. Development Status
4. Weekly Documentation


WebSim is a web-based robot simulator. It is used as a tool for learning robot programming. WebSim is currently programmable through JavaScript. This project aims to support programming the simulator in python3 by building a transpiler that targets JavaScript.

You can find the demo of how this tool is used with WebSim2D [here] (

The code is available [here] (

People Involved

Development Status


S.No Construct Status
1 Arithmetic expressions Done
2 Variable declarations Done
3 Conditional Statements Done
4 While and For loops Done
5 Functions Done
6 Test Suite Done


S.No Construct Status
1 Modules Done
2 Exception Handling Done
3 Test Suite Done


S.No Construct Status
1 Integration with WebSim2D Done
2 Improving Dictionary Done

Weekly Documentation


This week involved fixing minor bugs. There was a correction in the shim.json file in the name of the underlying JavaScript function getting called.

Weeks 11 & 12

This week mostly involved fixing minor bugs and integration with the WebSim2D simulator. Some of it included incorrect runtime file generation which arose due to incorrect file dependecy graph (DAG) of the runtime files. The fix was to hardcode the file dependencies correctly and then generate the runtime program. Another fix was related to line number mapping between the generated file and the original file.

Week 10

When dictionary was implemented in the beginning, it was inefficient. It had a runtime complexity of O(n2). We had to change this to O(1). This could be achieved by having each object give out a unique key when the __hash__ method is called. Right now, the unique key is a simple string which is a concatenation of its (the object’s) typename and the value. In future, this can be improved by implementing what python3 offers. In python3, only those objects with the __hash__ method can be put into a dictionary as a key. The similar design is implemented here.

Weeks 8 & 9

Theses two weeks mainly involved improving exception handling. Finally we had decided to use JavaScript’s inbuilt callstack for performance reason. The idea is that we have a variable called callstack which is set before an exception occurs. JS code is more or less guaranteed to not throw any since appropriate checks are in place to prevent it from doing so. The callstack is set with the Error object (since it contains the stack member). When any exception is thrown, it is caught by the main program (The generated code is placed is a try-catch block) and appropriate action is taken. This again is tricky because we can’t use the callstack right away, since it has line numbers from the generated JS program. So, the translation of line numbers from JS to python3 file is required which is achieved with the help of a table which does the translation. The table is filled during the translation process.



Minor enhancements includes inheriting from the Object type. This is important since every object in python3 has methods such as __gt__, __ge__, __lt__, etc. And when such operations are performed, appropriate action must be taken. In the implementation however, I had forgotten to inherit from the Object type and hence, it resulted in a few bugs. Other enhancements includes adding the type of each class, etc.

Exception handling is actually a challenging construct, since if it has to be done properly, we need access to the callstack. We cannot use JS’s builtin exceptions since the actual functions that are executed will be different in the generated JS code and will only confuse the programmer as to what is causing the exception in the first place. The exception handling that is currently supported is very primitive, in that it does not indicate the line number as to where the exception was thrown, and does not indicate the traceback of calls of the exception. I’m still discussing with my mentor as to how this might be handled (either with a fake callstack or something else).



Handling import statements in python3 is similar to what we have in JS. However, since this code will be run on a browser, module imports are not handled well. Therefore, imports must be implemented from scratch. When a module is imported such as,

import HALbrowser

all the definitions inside the module will be put inside the HALbrowser namespace. The HALbrowser namespace itself is a variable in the current file where the import statement is called. This is a variable of type ‘module’.

Some limitations of this approach is that if the file is large, compilation process will take some time. The ability to do it dynamically is not possible unless the integrated editor provided in the browser supports handling multiple files. Fortunately for us, the interface with the robot is small enough and can be parsed quickly.

Now, coming to the interface with WebSim2D, the user of the program will need to import a shim library (such as the one provided in HALbrowser/ Shim functions can be identified with the decorator __shim__. When such a function is encountered, it’s definition is replaced with equivalent javascript definition (interfacing the simulator).



This week involved mostly adding minor improvements (more exceptions, bug fixes) and adding a test suite. The main difficulty was tracing the cause of the bug once it had been found. This was mainly because the transpiler produces unreadable code. One way to get around this would be to add line numbers in the generated file corresponding to the original python file. This would boost productivity by getting the exact line which has been translated.

I had updated the test suite from Week-1. In Week-1, I was testing for the generated program with the correct program. This however is a very primitive way of testing and it soon broke when the variable declaration strategy changed in Week-3 (i.e, using scopes). After a discussion with my mentors, they had suggested me to use behaviour-based tests which is more robust. Each test case is passed into the transpiler and the generated JS code is run to get the output which is then matched with the correct output (i.e, matching the python3 spec).




The examples of constructs that is planned to be supported is put in the examples directory (,,

for x in [1, 2, 3]:
	print (x)
for (let x of [1, 2, 3].__iter__()) {
	print.__call__ (x);

, where the __iter__ method returns a generator object.

__PyList__.prototype.__iter__ = function * () {
	for (let x of this.array) {
		yield x;

Scoping rules however are different in python3 and JavaScript.

a = 20
# Example 1
def func ():
	print (a)

func () # prints 20

# Example 2
def func ():
	print (a)
	a = 10

func () # Throws an UnBoundLocalError since there's a local variable named 'a' in the local scope and it is being accessed before its declaration.

# Example 3
def func ():
	global a # The global statement is used to refer to the variable in the global scope. Any change to it in the current scope results in a change even in its global scope.
	print (a)
	a = 50
func () # prints 20
print (a) # prints 50

Translation to JavaScript is however not straightforward. JavaScript differentiates between declaration of a variable and assignement to a variables. The programmer makes it explicits in the code. python3 however relies on the scope (either function scope or normal scope) to find out it a new variable needs to be declared or assigned to an existing one.

var a = 20;

// Example 1
function func () {
	console.log (a);
func (); // prints 20

// Example 2
function func () {
	console.log (a);
	var a = 10;
func (); // prints 'undefined'

// Example 3
function func () {
	console.log (a);
	a = 50;
func (); // prints 20
console.log (a); // prints 50.

In the Example 1, the variable a is actually referring to the one in the global scope. This works the same in JavaScript, the equivalent code takes the value from the global scope.

For Example 2, there’s a variable declaration and NOT an assignement after the print statement. This is because a is not referring to the global a. In spite of the variable being declared after the print statement, the JavaScript engine does not throw an error because of variable hoisting (it does a few passes of the code before actually compiling and hoists the variable declarations). Variable hoisting is a problem when translating from python3 to JavaScript. A simple example is the following

print (a)
a = 12

Translating to JavaScript is not straightforward because the declarations are hoisted in JavaScript. The following is NOT the correct translation.

console.log (a); // undefined
var a = 12;

To solve this problem, one way is to look up the variables in a dictionary. The correct translation of the previous python3 snippet would be the following.

var __scope__ = new Proxy ({print : print}, {
	get (target, key, recv) {
		if (!(key in target)) {
			throw NameError (`name ${key} is not defined`);
		return target[key];
__scope__.print.__call__ (__scope__.a);
__scope__.a = new __PyInt__ (12);

Inside functions, the variables must be mapped to their intended references. For example,

a = 20
b = 20
def f ():
	global a
	a += 12 // refers to the global a.
	b = 10 //  local variable b

To figure out the intended reference, we need to maintain an environmenet (mapping) for every scope. Also, the knowledge of the local variables and the global variables in the function comes handy.

let __scope__ = new Proxy ({}, {
	get (target, key, recv) {
		if (! (key in target)) {
			throw Error (`NameError: name ${key} is not defined`);
		return target[key];
__scope__.a = 20;
__scope__.b = 20;

function f () {
	let __globalvars__ = {'a' : true};
	let __localvars__  = {'b' : true};
	let __scope___ = new Proxy ({__parscope__ : __scope__}, {
		get (target, key, recv) {
			if (key in __localvars__) {
				if (key in target) {
					return target[key];
				throw Error (`UnboundLocalError: name ${key} referenced before assginment`);
			} else if (! (key in target)) {
				return target['__parscope__'][key];
			return target[key];
		set (target, key, value, recv) {
			if (key in __globalvars__) {
				target['__parscope__'][key] = value;
			} else {
				target[key] = value;
	__scope___.a = __scope___.a.__iadd__ (new __PyInt__ (12));
	__scope___.b = new __PyInt__ (20);
	console.log (__scope___.b);

In the third example, the programmer explicity declares that the variable a is from the global scope. Hence, when a is assigned a value, it means that it is an assignement in JavaScript and not a declaration. So, the var keyword is not used.




Handling variables is tricky. In python3, there’s no declaration of variables. You have to assign it. For ex,

a = 1

In the current scope, a will point to an integer object in memory. In JavaScript, variables can be declared without assignment (not in the case of ‘const’).

var a = 12;
let b = 12;
const c = 12;

Variables declared with const cannot be changed. Differences in var and let are related to their scope. let is block scoped, whereas var is function scoped.

> if (true) {
... var a = 12;
... let b = 12;
... }
> a
> b
ReferenceError: b is not defined

var seems to be more pythonish than let. However, in python ‘for loops’, the target variables are block scoped. In JavaScript loops, if the target variable of the loop is declared with var, it ceases to be block scoped. Therefore, for translation of cases where the varibles might be block scoped, for instance in ‘for loops’, ‘let’ is used.

for x in range (1, 10):
	# x is block scoped.

In JavaScript,

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	// i is block scoped.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

console.log (i); // i is accessible here.

Scoping rules are praticularly important in functions. During the execution of functions in python3, the variables are looked up locally and NOT globally. In order to reference a variable globally, we need to use the global keyword, else an exception is thrown.

a = 12
def f ():
	global a #In order to reference 'a' from the global scope.
	a += 12

In JS, variables are looked up globally if not found locally.

var a = 12;
function f () {
	a += 12; // Updates the 'a' in the global scope.

This is a challenge and I have not yet been able to achieve a concrete way of going about this.

For conditional statements, python3 and JavaScript differ in truth value testing. The condition is evaluated and the conditional branching is done based on the truth value of the condition.

For python3, the _bool_() method is called on the object inside the condition. If this method is not present however, the _len_() method is called and the object is considered ‘true’ if it is non-zero. If an object has non of those methods, then the truth value is considered true.

JavaScript is however, a bit more crude in the way it evaluates the truth value. Unlike python3 where many things such as addition, subtraction, and even the truth value can be tailored to the programmers need, JavaScript calls the valueOf function for the most part. The problem is that the same function is used for many tasks such as addition, multiplication, etc. Simply overriding that function will not do much.

Therefore the approach that needs to be taken is to make custom primitive conversions of python3 objects to JavaScript with the methods _bool_() included. This way, when a condition X is needed to be checked,

if (X):

gets converted to

if ((X).__bool__() === True) {
	translate (stmt);

True and False are objects of type _PyBool_. There exists only one instance of each in the implementation (runtime). In the absence of the _bool_ method, the _len_ method needs to be invoked.




Since python3 and JavaScript are very different semantically and there exists no direct translation of primitives such as int, float, str (in python3), one approach is to write the primitive classes in JavaScript corresponding to the primitives of python3 (PyInt, PyFloat, PyStr).

And these classes in JavaScript must have the methods bound to the primitive types in python3 (methods such as __int__, __bool__, etc.).

Coming to operators (==, +, -, etc.), the way python3 implements it internally is to replace all operator calls by method calls of objects. For example,

a, b = 1, 5
a == b # Makes a call to a.__eq__ (b)
a += 1 # Makes a call to a.__iadd__ (1)

There are several such methods that need to be implemented for the various operators that python3 supports. (__eq__ , __lt__ , __le__ , __gt__ , __ge__, __X__ (X = add, mul, sub, div))

The classes set up here will be a part of the larger runtime which is will grow as the support for python3 grows. The actual translation will involve walking the AST and performing the required translation. In the case of arithmetic expressions, the translation will involve the following.

These primitive classes must later be bootstrapped when classes are implemented in weeks 5&6.