
Two immediate tasks:

  1. RViz + Nav2 Goal
  2. RViz + Waypoint Follower (requires amazon_robot_controller package to be fixed)

Simplest task after this: Pick and place (some room for creativity here)

Lot of ideas about possible directions to go after completing the 2 immediate tasks like:

  • Additional buttons for “Load Pallet”, “Drop Pallet”, “Navigate to these positions”
  • Give waypoints through RViz
  • Before going to multi-robot, improve the single robot:
    • Like, keepout zones (many Nav2 features to try in fact)
    • But primarily focus on this change: AMCL -> SLAM for costmaps

Philosophy of designing the exercise:

  • The student mainly wants to focus on the algorithms
  • ROS2 -> They just want to use it as a medium and shouldn’t distract their focus
  • Shreyas’ anectode: In a course at TU Berlin, they spent 75% of the course learning ROS and 25% with the actual algorithms. We wish to solve that problem.

Thoughts on single robot exercise design:

  • Objective: How fast can you complete the delivery
  • The drop locations need not be adjacent
  • The bot will have to make optimized decisions where to drop each pallet based on proximity and effect on remaining delivery times

Barebones single robot exercise in web template:

  • Start with everything inside RViz
  • “Start” and “Stop” buttons should interact with the exercise
  • Keep the use of editor out for now
  • For now, start a clock when you press “Start” button, reset when you press “Stop”

Completing the transition from the AMCL to SLAM stack might make the work a strong contender for ROSCon '21 too

Task: Discuss choosing between Rviz web and VNC iframe with someone