Hello everyone! Welcome to my Week 9 update on my Google Summer of Code (GSOC) project. This week has been filled with significant progress as I successfully completed all three goals set for this phase of the project. Let’s delve into the details of what I have accomplished and the challenges I encountered.

Goal 1: Launching Line Follow World and Robot Control

For the first task, I successfully launched the line-following robot’s world inside the Prototype environment. Using the publish method through the terminal, I sent the command

(rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x: 0.8, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}}') 

to control the robot’s movement. This method proved effective in completing the first task.

Goal 2: Running Robot with Zip File Input

In the second task, I achieved the goal of running the line-following robot using a zip file input containing a single Python file. This approach simplified the execution process, and the robot smoothly followed the desired path.

Goal 3: Testing Multiple File Support

For the third task, I focused on testing the multiple file support of our Prototype. I successfully created an application where the line-following robot counts and increments itself for every loop, displaying the result in the terminal. The platform demonstrated its capability to handle and execute multiple files, enhancing its flexibility.

Challenges Faced in Goal 4:

The fourth task presented some challenges as I had ROS2 installed on my PC, and I needed to install ROS Neotic to run the application in the same world as in the Prototype. Despite my efforts, I encountered difficulties in finding the required F1ROS packages, and attempts to obtain them using various methods also proved unsuccessful.

Ongoing Efforts: Though I faced challenges with the fourth task, I remain determined to overcome them. I am actively exploring alternative approaches and seeking guidance from mentors to resolve the issue and accomplish the goal.

Goals of week 10:

Complete Goal 4 and Goal 5.