Prajyot Jadhav | JdeRobot x GSoC 2024

Robotics-Academy: Migration to Gazebo Harmonic


Hello! I’m Prajyot Jadhav. This website is a showcase of my work for Google Summer of Code 2024 with JdeRobot. I will be contributing to Robotics-Academy.

Robotics-Academy is a framework designed for learning robotics and computer vision through a collection of robot programming exercises. Currently, the platform offers 26 exercises and 11 prototype exercises that students can access through the RoboticsAcademy docker image (RADI), which comes pre-installed with all necessary dependencies.

The RADI is a key point of the platform and this project aims to improve it. One main component of the RADI is Gazebo. Currently, the RADI is based in Gazebo11 version, whose end of life (Sept., 2025) is getting closer. The main goal of the project is to migrate the RADI to Gazebo Harmonic. This migration will take form by having a couple of exercises running in ROS2 and Gazebo Harmoic with the new RADI.

Thank you for your interest. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

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