
  • Final Report

    Introduction DetectionSuite is a tool which can not only be used to test/deploy object detection models but also to generate large datasets required to train them .The main aim of the project project was to add new features to DetectionSuite which would enhance the user experience , to allow users...

  • Creating a debian package

    Here’s where I messed up The idea was to wrap up all the work done till rosnode part and package it into a debian file , so that the end user can install it with just a single command. The idea is super cool , but here’s what the problem...

  • Creating a ROS Node

    What and Why In robotics , many undergrads,engineers and even researchers use ROS as a framework to communicate across different components present in their robot. And it does so through ROS Nodes. Usually training an deeplearning model is a horrendous task ,and deploying it into real world is even more....