About me

Hello there, I am Arkajyoti Basak, a pre-final year Mechanical undergrad from Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India. I have been contributing to RoboticsAcademy for the past few months and got selected to spend this summer working on the drone exercises in RoboticsAcademy.

About Google Summer of Code


Google Summer of Code is a global program that connects open-source organizations with student developers. Students spend the summer writing open-source software and connecting with other Google Summer of Code students across the world.

About JdeRobot


JdeRobot’s Robotics-Academy is a framework for learning robotics and computer vision. It consists of a collection of robot programming exercises using Python language where the student has to code the behavior of a given (either simulated or real) robot to fit some task related to robotics or computer vision. It uses standard middleware and libraries as ROS and OpenCV, so the student learns the state-of-the-art tools.

About Project


Currently, there are 9 drone exercises available in Gazebo-9 and ROS-melodic. The goal of this project is to migrate the drone exercises from v2.1 (ROS node based) to v2.3 (Web/Docker-based) of the Robotics Academy. Introduce a new drone-based exercise: Drone Package Delivery in ROS-noetic and Gazebo-11 and create their requisite gazebo models.
