Week 5

GSOC Coding Week 5 Progress Report

This week I started by working in on-demand logs support for debugging purposes(issue #1099). The new command to launch RADI can be found in this comment. I made a draft PR to fix the connection timeout issue(issue #1096). However, I am looking for a better way to solve this problem.

I was also working on Gazebo FPS decreases since connection establishment(issue #1098) where I noticed this happens because of the race between gzclient and GUI (and HAL too). Once you turn either off, the other improves. Recently, on-demand gzclient support was added, this definitely improves the fps of the camera images when gzclient is off but does not solve the issue completely.

I made a draft PR to add automatic evaluators for the drone-cat-mouse exercise(issue #1121). It uses Plotly to plot the difference between the distances of the cat and mouse drones. Plotly.js is an open-source JavaScript charting library that comes with over 40 chart types, 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps and more. Also, a score feature was added to evaluate the performance of the cat drone.

I am also attaching the teaser video of Drone Gymkhana exercise: