Final Blog

Final Blog and Report

Project Overview

JdeRobot’s Robotics-Academy is a framework for learning robotics and computer vision. It consists of a collection of robot programming exercises using Python language where the student has to code the behavior of a given (either simulated or real) robot to fit some task related to robotics or computer vision. It uses standard middleware and libraries as ROS and OpenCV, so the student learns the state-of-the-art tools.

The main goal of my project is to migrate the drone exercises from v2.1 (ROS node based) to v2.3 (Web/Docker-based) of the Robotics Academy. Introduce a new drone-based exercise: Drone Package Delivery in ROS-noetic and Gazebo-11 and create their requisite gazebo models.



All the 9 drone exercises of RoboticsAcademy are now available in a web-based template. 3 new Gazebo models are now available in drone_assets. Almost all the web-based exercises of RoboticsAcademy are now available in ROS1-Noetic (with hardware acceleration support only for Ubuntu+NVIDIA). The 9 drone exercises have support for on-demand logs (instructions). The drone-cat-mouse exercise has support for automatic evaluation of the cat robot (testing).

Drone Cat and MouseDocsTeaser
Follow TurtlebotDocsTeaser
Follow RoadDocsTeaser
Labyrinth EscapeDocsTeaser
Position ControlDocsTeaser
Rescue PeopleDocsTeaser
Drone GymkhanaDocsTeaser
Drone HangarDocs-
Visual LanderDocsTeaser

Future Work

Comparing to the proposal, few changes were made in the last week to focus on the automatic evaluation of the drone-cat-mouse exercise. Thus, the new exercise - Drone Package Delivery remains as future work.

The connection protocol for the multi-drone exercise (issue #1165) discussed in the Week 4 blog remains as future work.

Issues and Pull Requests

IssueNew drone_assetsPR
126ocean127, 128
109simple_labyrinth_green110, 111
119slab121, 120
IssueWeb TemplatesPR
1056Rescue People1057
1061Drone Hangar1075
1061Drone Gymkhana1075
1061Visual Lander1075
1026New RADI 3.1.01027
1026Remaining exercises1051
IssueOther featuresPR
1099On-demand logs1100
1021Sequential launching1038
1121Automatic evaluator1202

Above is the list of important pull requests. The complete list of issues solved and all the merged PRs can be found here or here.

Final Thoughts

It has been a great journey till now and I can only see it becoming better. The tasks I’ve completed so far have really allowed me to tie all of my knowledge together and create an overall view of what I know.

Thank You to JdeRobot and Google Summer of Code. Writing open-source source software has been a valuable learning experience for me, and I am excited to keep contributing to the JdeRobot community. Thank you to Pedro, Nikhil, Prof. JoseMaría Cañas and other admins. Your mentorship and support have made this a very special experience for me.
