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This week kicked-off with a discussion on getting started with adding a 2D lidar and a new Ford Car Model with Ackermann Steering.

2D Lidar ⚑

Lidar is a very important technology in a self-driving car and to enable the Lincoln Mkz to be one, a lidar must be included. The lidar has been placed at the front of the vehicle with 180 degrees view of the surroundings, due to the physical nature of the simulation the lidar cannot be used for a 360 degrees scan. This can be solved by a 3D lidar in the future implementation.

The Ford Flavor πŸš—

As an addition to the lineup of the Car models we have decided to add the Ford Model, one that actually pupil can recognise and are familiar with. The model was chosen as it was the best fit on the existing structure of the Ackermann model.


  • Add Ford Escape Car model with Ackermann Steering.
  • Add a 2D Lidar Module to the Lincoln Mkz Model.

Progress Videos
