2 minute read

Documentation for Using the RoboticsAcademy Desktop Application.

For Linux Users :

  • Install Docker in your machine if it is not already installed.

  • Add the robotics-academy.tar.xz in the out folder.

  • Now navigate to the electron-linux and run the following command :


For Windows User :

Prequesites :

  • Your system must have 16gb RAM.
  • Docker daemon running in the background.

Working :

  • Add the robotics-academy.tar.xz in the out folder.

  • Now navigate to the electron-win32-x64 and run the following command :


Work Done

Below is the Culmination of the project that represents the output of this project during the GSOC which was to Develop a cross-platform desktop Application.


Learnings :

Docker : My deep dive into Docker illuminated its intricate inner workings and left me astounded by its formidable capabilities. Docker’s prowess lies in its containerization technology, which empowers us to execute complex processes without burdening end-users with extensive installations or data processing. Understanding Docker underscored the pivotal role of containers in modern cloud computing, revolutionizing the way we deploy and manage applications.

Operating Systems (OS) : Delving into the mechanics of operating systems, particularly Linux, provided profound insights. It exposed the stark contrasts in process execution between Linux and Windows environments. Notably, I explored the fascinating intricacies of developing cross-platform applications, like Discord and Slack, which may appear uniform on the surface but are architecturally distinct for various platforms.

ElectronJS : Unpacking ElectronJS unveiled the magic behind its ability to package applications for seamless cross-platform deployment. Its synergy with frameworks like React added layers of comprehension. I came to appreciate how Electron taps into the Chromium engine, bridging the chasm between web technologies and desktop applications. It laid bare the foundational underpinnings of the sprawling ecosystem of web applications, revealing the infrastructure that powers billions of digital interactions.

Django : My foray into Django, an uncharted territory for me, not only deepened my understanding of Python but also demystified the art of crafting static websites and generating dynamic content. Grasping the intricate workings of templates streamlined development, offering multiple avenues for creating and deploying applications—diversifying my toolkit beyond conventional JavaScript-based approaches.

Scalability : Scaling applications to meet the demands of a burgeoning user base emerged as a central theme. I delved into the intricate web of mechanisms that underpin applications at scale, unveiling the nuances of deploying and maintaining robust, high-performance systems capable of handling exponential growth.

Conculsion :

There are still improvements that can be made further into this project :

  • Adding Better UI within Exercises
  • Deploying the Image on Server to Reduce the size of the Application
  • Addition of Database to Maintain a history of exercies for the users

My overall Experience during the entire GSOC program was one filled with experiences and learnings.I learned not only about different tech stacks but also about my capabilites and understandings.

I never would have thought that I would be able to complete such a task but with the outmost help from the mentors and organization it was a smooth ride.

