Week 4. Releases, Unibotics webserver in local, Gzweb 15/12/2020

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This week I have to do some things:

  • Gzweb in webtemplate iframe : I added an iframe with the route of Gzweb in our computer.
  • Versions in GitHub : made pull request, I did some pull request in one of my repositories and the commits appears automatically and if you want to add any coment about the version an the commits you can write more info.

  • Unibotics webserver instalation : I made the installation, Nacho helps me with it because I need his data files that It wasn’t loaded in the main unibotics repository. 1) docker run academy_db –>(mymsql)

2) - docker pull jderobot/robotics-academy:latest

  • docker run -it –name=RoboticsAcademy -p 8080:8080 -p 7681:7681 -p 2303:2303 -p 1905:1905 -p 8765:8765 jderobot/robotics-academy:latest python3.8 manager.py

3) academy-env/ source academy-env/bin/activate cd /academy-env/unibotics-webserver/jderobot_academy python3 manage.py runserver

image 1
Unibotics-Webserver in my browser