Migration progress

During our last meeting with Carlos and Alberto we have decided to dedicate this week to move the Amazon Warehouse exercise infrastructure to the Robotics Academy. Although, the solution is under development, the students can already start implementing their own.

To make this possible several modifications and additions were made:

  • removed solution from MyAlgorithm as well fixed API commands
  • updated GUI vizualization on current Position and Destination
  • introduced new ROS topics for better understanding
  • removed repeated motors, pose3d, laser init files and instead introduced dependency on comm package
  • added new configuration .yml file to be initialized with main script
  • updated README.md

In addition to that, I made slight modifications to the robot model which need to be pushed to the base repo.

Short video on how to initialize, use and update exercise is attached below:


Finished all the requirements, and made PR to Robotics Academy and PR to Assets repo.

Right after merger of these PRs students can start developing their own solutions to the exercise!!