This summer I have developed a new exercise for the Robotics Academy at the JdeRobot organization called “Amazon Warehouse”. Its main aim is to help students learn to program a robot which autonomously localizes itself, navigates, detects pallets, picks, navigates with a pallet on it, and delivers it to the...
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Amazon Warehouse exercise completion
...and GSoC results
Finally, my participation in the Google Summer of Code coming to its end. Whole summer me and my mentors have been developing completely new exercise for the Robotics Academy under the JdeRobot organization. From now on, students throught the globe can try their skills and learn something new while developing...
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Amazon exercise Ver. 2. Odometry issues
During experiments with adding a second robot to the warehouse, I encountered a very strange issue: when I was giving a goal to the second robot, AMCL was acting strange and was losing a robot location the world, and started outputting incorrect odometry. Firstly, I thought the problem was related...
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Amazon exercise Ver. 2. New feature
Robots for the Robots God!
Second robot the the Warehouse
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Pull Request to update exercise
This week I was updating exercise structure in the Robotics Academy repository, so that students can start using packages that were added as well use new API commands.
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