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To kick off week 2 of the community bonding period We discussed at the beginning of the week to continue exploring the car models part of the Codebase while also exploring the Ackermann steering and packages that will help in the implementation of 3d Lidar on the car models.


  • Explore Gazebo 11, plugins, tools and utilities.
  • Explore 3D lidar packages and plugins. New Blocks
  • Explore supported Ackermann steering packages in ROS.
  • Explore exsiting car models from the CustomRobots Repository and exisiting self-driving excercises.


Gazebo 11 plugins have majorly been explored, and the 3d lidar packages like Velodyne which generates a point cloud have been implemented. The Ackermann Steering package which can be used on custom gazebo models has been explored. This package can be used at a later stage to add Ackermann steering to the car models.
