Avatar Prakarsh is currently a senior at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, pursuing Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering as his major. His research interests include Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Autonomous Systems, and Embodied AI.

Week 7-requested changes completion and Multiprocessing prototype completion

Week 7

  • In the last meeting we discussed the changes suggested. The PR & issue are in this post and the updates in this week’s post.*

How did I contributed in this week?

Solved the suggested changed and completed multiprocessing prototype for follow_turtlebot exercise.

  • The changes are being updated on this PR

  • Here’s the main brain for multiprocessing:

import time
import threading
import multiprocessing
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import re
import json
import importlib

import rospy
from std_srvs.srv import Empty
import cv2

from user_functions import GUIFunctions, HALFunctions
from console import start_console, close_console

from shared.value import SharedValue

# The brain process class
class BrainProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
    def __init__(self, code, exit_signal):
        super(BrainProcess, self).__init__()

        # Initialize exit signal
        self.exit_signal = exit_signal

        # Function definitions for users to use
        self.hal = HALFunctions()
        self.gui = GUIFunctions()

        # Time variables
        self.time_cycle = SharedValue('brain_time_cycle')
        self.ideal_cycle = SharedValue('brain_ideal_cycle')
        self.iteration_counter = 0

        # Get the sequential and iterative code
        # Something wrong over here! The code is reversing
        # Found a solution but could not find the reason for this (parse_code function's return line of exercise.py is the reason)
        self.sequential_code = code[1]
        self.iterative_code = code[0]

    # Function to run to start the process
    def run(self):
        # Two threads for running and measuring
        self.measure_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.measure_frequency)
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.process_code)


        print("Brain Process Started!")


    # The process function
    def process_code(self):
        # Redirect information to console

        # Reference Environment for the exec() function
        iterative_code, sequential_code = self.iterative_code, self.sequential_code

        # The Python exec function
        # Run the sequential part
        gui_module, hal_module = self.generate_modules()
        if sequential_code != "":
            reference_environment = {"GUI": gui_module, "HAL": hal_module}
            exec(sequential_code, reference_environment)

        # Run the iterative part inside template
        # and keep the check for flag
        while not self.exit_signal.is_set():
            start_time = datetime.now()

            # Execute the iterative portion
            if iterative_code != "":
                exec(iterative_code, reference_environment)

            # Template specifics to run!
            finish_time = datetime.now()
            dt = finish_time - start_time
            ms = (dt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + dt.seconds) * 1000 + dt.microseconds / 1000.0

            # Keep updating the iteration counter
            if(iterative_code == ""):
                self.iteration_counter = 0
                self.iteration_counter = self.iteration_counter + 1

            # The code should be run for atleast the target time step
            # If it's less put to sleep
            # If it's more no problem as such, but we can change it!
            time_cycle = self.time_cycle.get()

            if(ms < time_cycle):
                time.sleep((time_cycle - ms) / 1000.0)

        print("Current Thread Joined!")

    # Function to generate the modules for use in ACE Editor
    def generate_modules(self):
        # Define HAL module
        hal_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("HAL", None))
        hal_module.HAL = importlib.util.module_from_spec(importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("HAL", None))
        hal_module.HAL.motors = importlib.util.module_from_spec(importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("motors", None))

        # Add HAL functions
        hal_module.HAL.get_frontal_image = self.hal.get_frontal_image
        hal_module.HAL.get_ventral_image = self.hal.get_ventral_image
        hal_module.HAL.takeoff = self.hal.takeoff
        hal_module.HAL.land = self.hal.land
        hal_module.HAL.set_cmd_pos = self.hal.set_cmd_pos
        hal_module.HAL.set_cmd_vel = self.hal.set_cmd_vel
        hal_module.HAL.set_cmd_mix = self.hal.set_cmd_mix
        hal_module.HAL.get_position = self.hal.get_position
        hal_module.HAL.get_velocity = self.hal.get_velocity
        hal_module.HAL.get_orientation = self.hal.get_orientation
        hal_module.HAL.get_roll = self.hal.get_roll
        hal_module.HAL.get_pitch = self.hal.get_pitch
        hal_module.HAL.get_yaw = self.hal.get_yaw
        hal_module.HAL.get_landed_state = self.hal.get_landed_state
        hal_module.HAL.get_yaw_rate = self.hal.get_yaw_rate

        # Define GUI module
        gui_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("GUI", None))
        gui_module.GUI = importlib.util.module_from_spec(importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("GUI", None))

        # Add GUI functions
        gui_module.GUI.showImage = self.gui.showImage
        gui_module.GUI.showLeftImage = self.gui.showLeftImage

        # Adding modules to system
        # Protip: The names should be different from
        # other modules, otherwise some errors
        sys.modules["HAL"] = hal_module
        sys.modules["GUI"] = gui_module

        return gui_module, hal_module

    # Function to measure the frequency of iterations
    def measure_frequency(self):
        previous_time = datetime.now()
        # An infinite loop
        while not self.exit_signal.is_set():
            # Sleep for 2 seconds

            # Measure the current time and subtract from the previous time to get real time interval
            current_time = datetime.now()
            dt = current_time - previous_time
            ms = (dt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + dt.seconds) * 1000 + dt.microseconds / 1000.0
            previous_time = current_time

            # Get the time period
                # Division by zero
                self.ideal_cycle.add(ms / self.iteration_counter)

            # Reset the counter
            self.iteration_counter = 0