Week 4: Coding Period

This week marked a focus on completing the remaining PRs from last week. I also finished adding a new IMU block and worked on general share() and read() functions.

IMU Block

An IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is a sensor commonly found in drones that detects the orientation and the angular velocities of the robot.

It is essential for writing our own control systems for drones. I started the work on the block. For testing how it worked I used the visual_lander simulation. Since mavros already has an inbuilt IMU in its models. Constructing the block template was just about reading the processing the data already gotten in an appropriate manner.

IMU Block

The code is as follows:

import numpy as np
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion

data = []

def callback(msg):
    global data
    # Get the orientation list from the IMU sensor
    orientation_list = [msg.orientation.x,msg.orientation.y,msg.orientation.z,msg.orientation.w]
    # Convert orientation obtainted into values of roll, pitch and yaw
    (roll,pitch,yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list)
    # Convert val;ues in Radians to Degrees
    roll = roll * (180/3.14159265)
    pitch = pitch * (180/3.14159265)
    yaw = yaw * (180/3.14159265)
    # Obtain Angular Velocities from IMU sensor
    angVel_x = msg.angular_velocity.x
    angVel_y = msg.angular_velocity.y
    angVel_z = msg.angular_velocity.z
    # Store all this data in 'data' variable for use in main function
    data = [roll, pitch, yaw, angVel_x, angVel_y, angVel_z]
    # ----- Lines only for demo purpose -----
    rospy.loginfo("Orientation\nRoll = {0}\nPitch = {1}\nYaw = {2}\n".format(roll,pitch,yaw)) # These are not included in the block's code
    rospy.loginfo("Angular Velocities\nWx = {0}\nWy = {1}\nWz = {2}\n".format(angVel_x,angVel_y,angVel_z)) # These are not included in the block's code

def main(inputs, outputs, parameters, synchronise):
    global data 
    auto_enable = False
        enable = inputs.read_number('Enable')
    except Exception:
        auto_enable = True

    rostopic_name = parameters.read_string("ROSTopic")
    rospy.Subscriber(rostopic_name, Imu, callback)

    while ((auto_enable or inputs.read_number('Enable')) and not rospy.is_shutdown()):
        if not data:

        outputs.share_array("Out", data)

And the output:

IMU Output

General Share and Read

The other major task done this week was creating a general read and share function. Before this in Visual Circuit we had separate functions to share the output of blocks.

For e.g. in order to share an image we had to write share_image(...), similarly for an array share_array(...) and on the other end to read then we had to include specific functions such as read_image(...) and read_array(...) as well.

This was something that could be improved to make it simpler for the users. The reason this was done separately was that while sharing something we have its data type, hence it can be general purpose, however while reading it we don’t know what kind of data type we’ll be getting hence the need for specific functions. We need the exact data type while reading because when the Shared Memory Buffer is read it is specific for the supplied data type.

The solution was creating a new buffer that contains the type of the data being supplied. Since numpy had data type strings of type "<i8", "<U6" etc. We simply make a new object to store the data type of whatever data is being supplied, since this data is always stored in a String format it is known how to decode it on the read end. Then once we have the data type we can use it to decode the actual data.

This solution had a few bugs in it as well namely what would happen when the data type changed? This was an issue especially with the string data types. Usually numpy gives a data type of "<U1" to a string that has only one character. However even when the number of characters increases, as this data type doesn’t change we can only read one character.

There were again two approaches I tried to fix this issue:

  1. Simply allocating a larger buffer by default to the data types
  2. Overwriting the buffer whenever the data type changed

After discussing with my mentors, we decided to go with approach no. 1 as it was faster than the second one.


No new issues were raised this week.

Pull Requests


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