Coding Period - Week 10

After successfully migrating one exercise from each category, it was time to test the reusability and functionality of the widgets. What better way to begin the experiment than by migrating the remaining exercises? So I started with the Global Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance exercises.


  • Global Navigation Exercise

  • Obstacle Avoidance Exercise

Accomplishment and Challenges

I now made the decision to evaluate the quality of the code by simply migrating similar exercises to determine what changes the widgets may require, at what level I will attain the correct atomicity of the widgets, and other pertinent information. Does the method make it simple and understandable for exercise developers to easily create exercises? I began the refractor process of the remaining exercise with all of these things in mind. Prior to beginning the refractoring process, we must consider all of the widgets that will be used in the exercise.

  • Obstacle Avoidance Exercise [Task 2]

The Obstacle Avoidance exercise was the second exercise I migrated. The exercise was similar to the Global Navigation exercise, so I was able to reuse the widgets created for the Global Navigation exercise.

Issues and Pull Requests


🎉🎊🙌🏻 Obstacle avoidance and Global navigation Exercise Completely migrated and working perfectly. 🎉🎊🙌🏻
