
Updating regularly about ongoing work in this GSoC project.


Final Term Evaluation

I made the decision to consider the project’s ongoing work after delivering my final report to the dashboard, Wrapping the Blogs, Videos, and Documentation. ...

Coding Period - Week 12

Final Week to complete the tasks that are left, For this week we decided to wrap up things and raise the Pull request for the so far migrated exercises with ...

Coding Period - Week 11

This week, I decided to try another exercise with the most distinct pattern from the previous one. I found the anomaly using the exercise detials list. I dis...

Coding Period - Week 10

After successfully migrating one exercise from each category, it was time to test the reusability and functionality of the widgets. What better way to begin ...

Coding Period - Week 9

Robotics academy has 5 categories of exercises, namely, Autonomous Driving, Service Robots, Drones, Computer Vision and Industrial Robots. With the completio...

Coding Period - Week 8

With the Exercise details list sheet, It was easy to plan ahead on how to migrate the remaining exercises into React.

Coding Period - Week 7

Now with the Exercise being completely refractored and working, Some Modals like the Info Modal and the Error Modal were left to implement. So Discussed to f...

Mid term Evaluation

Mid term Evaluation, an interesting phase that comes up in the gsoc period, I was very nervous and worried about the result as I was stuck on the very first ...

Coding Period - Week 6

It was the time to show the demo to the mentors, when I started with the demo, Things didn’t run in the manner they should have, so mentor told me It’s calle...

Coding Period - Week 5

With the First exercise migrated to React based code, we discussed the next steps for the week and decided to proceed with the next exercise that will consis...

Coding Period - Week 4

All the components for follow_line exercise were migrated to react based code. Now for this week, All the functionalities have to be migrated to react so tha...

Coding Period - Week 3

In the weekly meet, I showed the mentors the so far developed exercise base and discussed about the obstacle I was stuck at and discussed about the next week...

Coding Period - Week 2

In the weekly meet, we decided to start the project with the migration of follow line exercise. Follow line exercise consists of the most basic components.

Coding Period - Week 1

Coding period begins, I decided to follow a strict timeline in order to complete the tasks and manage my other work. Being on meet with the mentors and disuc...

Community Bonding - Week 3

As discussed in the previous meet, we scheduled to meet every Thursday and discuss the progress, findings and challenges of the project. With few days left w...

Community Bonding - Week 2

I had my first videoconference with my mentors, during which they welcomed me to the community, outlined the plans for weekly meetings, and provided me with ...

Community Bonding - Week 1

I’m looking forward to working on the Improvement of Web templates using React project with the JdeRobot community! The Google Summer of Code programme begin...

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